Energy efficiency loans
The engineering and installation center “Teplocel” is an accredited partner of Ukrgasbank and Oschadbank under solar loan programs. A loan for PV systems is a solution for those who do not have enough money for installation of a solar power plant but want to bring it into service and start making profit as soon as possible. We will help you pick an advantageous loan program that will not burden you with a high interest rate and allow you to install your own PV system in the shortest time possible.
What is more, you will be able to make payments towards your loan with funds from selling electricity under the feed-in tariff. For instance, owners of a 30 kW solar power plant in Lvivska oblast in Ukraine earn from €5500 per year not including self-consumption.
Depending on a chosen financing program, it is possible to get a loan for purchasing not only a PV system but also a wind-powered plant, PV water heating system, etc. All loan programs of our partner banks include a prepayment option with no penalty or fees.
Purchased equipment serves as collateral on a loan. An additional advantage of an Ukragasbank financing program is that a loan can be obtained both for a turnkey PV system and part of equipment (PV panels, mounts, inverter, protection equipment etc.), or installation works.
Below are key conditions of solar loan programs, under which we (sole proprietor Gerasin V.V.) cooperate with Oschadbank and Ukrgasbank.
Bank | Oschadbank |
Ukrgasbank |
Program name | Green energy | Eco-energy |
The minimum and maximum loan amount | 100.000 to 1.000.000 UAH | 1.000 to 1.000.000 UAH |
Loan period | up to 72 months | up to 60 months |
Down payment | from 15% | from 15% |
Interest rate | 19,5% | from 4,19% |
Origination fee | 2,99% | 0,5+4,5% |
Some regions of Ukraine, as part of the measures to improve energy efficiency, run programs on partial reimbursement of solar loans by regional administrations on a regular basis. Among them are:
- Zhytomyrska oblast – 20% of a total loan amount but not more than 50.000 UAH
- Vinnytska oblast – 15% of a loan principal but not more than 20.000 UAH
- Lvivska oblast – 10% of a loan principal but not more than 100.000 UAH
- Khmelnytska oblast – 10% of interest rate but not more than 10.000 UAH
Besides this, in many cities and towns, there are additional programs on reimbursement of solar loans from local budgets. In a few regions, for instance, in Zhytomyrska and Lvivska oblasts, you are eligible for reimbursement both if you pay for installation of a PV system from your own funds and if you get a loan for this purpose.
Програма “Доступні кредити 5-7-9” дозволяє юридичним особам та фізичним особам-підприємцям отримати кредит на купівлю основних засобів, до яких відноситься і сонячна електростанція на власне споживання. Основні переваги програми: гнучкі умови кредитування для будь-якого бізнесу; низька відсоткова ставка; поєднання з грантовими програмами від міжнародних організацій.
Максимальна сума кредитування – 1 000 000 грн (для фізичних осіб-підприємців) та 50 000 000 млн (для юридичних осіб).
Кредит надається під відсоткову ставку 7 або 9% річних, з можливістю зниження до 5% при виконанні умов програми.
Дізнатись більше про основні умови програми “5-7-9” можна за посиланням.
Оформлюючи кредит на встановлення СЕС, юридичні особи мають можливість стати власником гранту сумою до 30 000 €. Грант надається за міжнародною програмою фінансової підтримки українських підприємців. Власники бізнесу, що отримали кредит для реалізації інвестиційного проекту, мають можливість відшкодувати до 30% від вартості проекту. Грантові кошти можна витратити на розвиток свого бізнесу чи підтримку реалізованого проекту.
Як стати власником гранту та які його основні умови – за посиланням.
Contact us to obtain a loan for a PV system
Engineering and installation center “Teplocel” cooperates with banks and actively supports national policies for the promotion of energy conservation measures and energy-efficient technologies, in particular, the use of renewable energy sources. Our employees take part in topic-specific trainings, seminars and meetings with representatives of regional administrations where issues of furtherance of energy efficiency and energy saving are discussed.
Contact us to obtain a loan for a PV system, and you will get a professional consultation on the most advantageous financing options and reimbursement programs run in your region. We will help you pick an optimal variant for your household and guarantee you support and assistance throughout the entire process of obtaining a loan, commissioning and start-up of your solar power plant and receiving the feed-in tariff. Our managers deliver excellent customer service and our installation specialists are among the best professionals in their field.